CFO Consulting
Whether you are in need of a CFO to help guide your group, an experienced hand at acquisitions, or an occasional finance / accounting mentor to help source new and better floorplan rates, health insurance, 401k plans, G&L policies, DMS contracts & conversions, estate planning, etc, we are there from big to small projects.
Controller Training/Recruiting
Need a Controller? Have a candidate, but they do not quite possess the experience level to make you comfortable, we can help. We've hired and trained dozens of controllers and know what it takes to find the right fit. We can also help on consolidating accounting functions like A/P and Payroll across multi-location groups.
Operational Reporting
Whether you use Reynolds, CDK(ADP), DealerTrack, etc, we build real time reporting that provides the relevant information you need to make timely and accurate decisions to properly manage your Dealerships. From simple daily cash monitoring to multi page MTD/YTD composites allowing you to drill down where the profit may be leaking out!
Since 1993
More than just Accounting
Let's face it, most dealerships rely on a "Controller" for all of their financial and accounting needs. Likewise, the majority of dealership controllers across the country have no formal accounting or business education. Even fewer are CPAs/CGMAs/MBAs. You are running a multi-million dollar business with a bookkeeper as your financial adviser.
We get it, most dealerships and even groups don't need nor can afford a full time CFO. However, that doesn't mean you don't need a CFO from time to time. Exactly the opposite, your business can benefit greatly from one on the times you need it.
This is where we step in, you basically pay for the amount of CFO you need! We can help save you thousands of dollars annually in negotiations for: floor plans, lines of credit, health benefit plans, G&L Insurance plans, F&I products with Offshore/Onshore considerations, DMS contracts/conversions, CRM and IT packages, consolidating functions across multiple stores, etc.
Likewise, we have hired and trained controllers for small country stores to corporate controllers for large dealer groups. We are also partnered with the Automotive Controller Academy to help upgrade existing Controllers and Office Managers, making them better partners for you and your Management Team.

Next Steps...
Stop throwing your time, effort and valuable resources at a non-core business function and contact us to see exactly what we can do for you!